Wednesday 16 July 2014

Why this blog exists

As my blog title suggests, I have had cancer. I've had bone cancer and it pretty much sucked as much as you'd expect having cancer to suck. From my 18 months of therapy, my psychiatrist has deduced that avoidance is how I deal with it, but avoidance is bad and wrong and causes all kinds of insanity and so I must keep forcing myself to confront it, hence the existence of this blog. She didn't exactly tell me to share my thoughts about it with the entire internet, but suggested I write down my feelings about it or the few memories I haven't stored in the little box in my brain labelled 'do NOT enter // you will be sad // you will cry // your day will be ruined' in a diary or or pieces of paper. I didn't really see the point of this so I thought that making it available to people in the same situation as me might offer some help or reassurance and so it became useful somehow to share.
So, this blog is going to be about my cancer story, including accounts of memories from treatment, thoughts caused by cancer, and how I attempt to deal with them/why I think they exist, because sometimes it just helps to relate to someone that's actually been there and actually understands instead of saying they're sorry and wishing it had never happened.

Sophie xo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie,
    I saw your blog link on Bone Cancer Research's Facebook page & just wanted to say I've dealt with my Bone cancer osteosarcoma the same way by putting my thoughts down in my blog. I was 21 when I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I sometimes do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to let things out as a lot of thoughts go round my mind about all different things. My blog is:
    Look forward to reading your blog posts in the future.
    Best Wishes, Becki xxx
